A Quest to Harness the Power of a Natural Hot Spring
It was quite a challenge, to somehow transform electricity so that the energy generated by the created device would generate this “hot springs” kind of energy.
It took Dr. Chang, and his team of scientists 10 years to perfect a way to – find a device that would transform electricity into that particular kind of energy that would have the healing effect that the hot springs in Southern Japan had. They found a way to create what is called a semi-conductor chip which is made out of ceramic chip, has holes in it, has heat components in it, and has far infrared materials embedded in the chip. The reason for the holes is that the chips get very very very hot, and in order to keep the temperature down, the holes were essential. If it were not for the fans that blow the heat off of the semiconductor chips, the radiator would get too hot, and like a computer, whose fan goes out, the radiator would shut down. Here is a picture of the 3 components that make up the Relax Semi-conductor chip:
By watching the video over and over again, one can start to understand what the Relax Sauna energy is able to do. The Industrial Technological Research Institute of Taiwan (semi-conductor experts) was able to test and prove that the Relax Energy generated by the semi-conductor chips was able to be very easily absorbed by the body.
The semi-conductor chip has an automatic temperature control mechanism which can slow down or speed up the electric current in order to keep the temperature at a safe level at all times.
Try it out and you will immediately notice the difference like many people have in our many testimonial videos.
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