Relax Sauna

Relax Sauna sit up model

More Energizing and Relaxing than any other Infrared Sauna

Relax Sauna can increase body temperature 3.2° in 25 minutes, significantly more than any other sauna

"Find me a way to create sweat or fever and I will cure disease." ~ Hippocrates

Heart rate variability will increase significantly.

Increasing Core Temperature

  • Mobilizes Lymphatic and Immune Systems
  • Increases Circulation and Microcirculation
  • Activates Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Oxygenates Cells Giving Greater Absorbtion
  • Helps Mitochondria Create ATP + Nitric Oxcide

5 to 7 minute Treatment before an Adjustment

A warm up in the Relax Sauna can augment the effectiveness of your session.

Results that can be measured. You and your patient will be able to see the results instantly.

The Sun's Far Infrared Rays

Give life to the planet

Without it, we would not be here.  So, the Relax Sauna (way more than just a sauna, for this reason) jets out over 1400 watts of this pure healing light into your body at once.  Your cells start moving around excitedly and shedding the dead, sick ones and strengthening and creating newer, healthier ones, while circulation increases, metabolism increases and the lymph system starts doing the draining!  Far infrared is known to be a powerful detoxifier of heavy metals, plastics, and other dangerous chemicals that are inevitably stuck inside our human bodies.  They can't get out!  Except with Far Infrared Energy.

Only resonating Far Infrared

Pulsates the water molecules

• Increasing Core Temperature

• Mobilizing the Lymphatic System

• Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System

• Stimulating Mitochondria to produce ATP & Nitric Oxide

• Increasing Micro-circulation

Superior Technology

What matters most is the patented technology within the Relax Sauna.

The sauna is powered by two 700 watt FIR emitting radiators, each of which has 20 patented ceramic semiconductors that filter out all non-beneficial light rays. A computer program regulates the output of the radiators so that pure FIR emissions are constant while the temperature inside the sauna is maintained within a comfortable range. This Relax Far Infrared system is used in our Sky Eye Medical Lamp, a device that has received an FDA 510K (#K05337) classification of a Neurological and Physical Medical Device. The same radiator design is used in all of our FIR devices.

Superior Effectiveness

Relax Saunas deliver a safe, total body sauna experience.

They are portable, affordable and more hygienic than a traditional sauna because they're designed to be used by one person. You can use Relax Saunas in your infectious disease clinical practice. Relax Saunas are cost effective and provide positive therapeutic outcomes for a variety of conditions.

Benefits of regular far infrared sauna use include

• Increased Microcirculation
• Improved Vascular Function
• Lower Blood Pressure
• Diverse, Resilient, Stable Microbiome
• an Increase in Nitric Oxide
• ​Activated Mitochondria
• Improved Metabolism
• Heavy Metals Detoxification
• Strengthened Immune System

Far Infrared is beneficial for:

Testimonial Videos

The Relax Sauna has been shown to be one of the most effective infrared saunas on the market. It has medical grade craftsmanship and is used by hundreds of doctors and practitioners world wide.

65 years of research show how its specific frequency band (far-infrared) light resonates with and vibrates our water cells, increasing micro-circulation and core temperature, activating the immune system and the metabolic functioning of our bodies, hence detoxifying and purifying body and mind, reducing pain, inflammation, helping Lyme, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, diabetes, arthritis and more. Once they get in and then the neuropathy getting much lighter.








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